About us

Welcome to WeWriteSpeeches, where we specialize in creating unforgettable wedding speeches. Our mission is to help you share your unique story and sentiments with heartfelt eloquence, leaving your audience both moved and entertained.

Our company was founded by Eamonn Ryan, a seasoned professional with 27 years of experience in the financial services and healthcare sectors. Throughout his career, Eamonn has held various roles including product owner, business analyst, and management consultant. But it wasn't his experience in these sectors that led him to establish WeWriteSpeeches; it was his personal experiences.

The idea for WeWriteSpeeches came to Eamonn two decades ago, in the early 2000s, when he, like many others, found himself attending numerous weddings of friends and family. During this time, he not only delivered wedding speeches himself but also witnessed countless others. He noticed that while wedding speeches carry a lot of emotional weight, they often lack the quality control found in other human endeavours. This observation planted the seed for WeWriteSpeeches.

Years later, after honing his public speaking skills and earning the prestigious Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designation, Eamonn felt ready to tackle the challenge of wedding speeches head-on. His extensive experience in software design and exposure to AGILE methodologies helped him create a unique approach to crafting personalized, engaging wedding speeches.

At WeWriteSpeeches, we leverage our expertise in storytelling, public speaking, and modern methodologies to provide you with professionally written, heartfelt set of speeches that exceed the quality standards you would expect, given the the significance of your big day. We understand the importance of this once-in-a-lifetime moment and are dedicated to making it as memorable and stress-free as possible.

Thank you for considering WeWriteSpeeches for your wedding speech needs. We look forward to helping you create a lasting positive memory for you and your loved ones.